Monday, 19 August 2013


I had lost it, the ability to meticulously blurt out words with perfect precision and immaculate perception or better yet i was going through what most would call a writer's block. So yes, i seek to make a glorious return to the amiable world of writers and i shall do so with a tall tale of a philosophical nature.

So i had the pleasure being educated that love is not an feeling but rather an act of the will, what followed was an ideal description of what love should be in an ideal world but we have to admire this from a realistic vista. We don't live in a world steered towards an ultimate good, people are in most cases selfish and built on self preservation. Society has become rotten and all that seems to matter is me , myself and I. The capitalist state of mind serves to steer people away from the primary principles of a community, interaction.  The avail of synergy is watered down by the need for self fulfillment absent thought that there is strength in unity.

But then you might ask, why is my inception based on love and its "new found" definition? At this juncture if you are smart it must have dawned on you but assuming we're all average Joes i will permeate to elaborate further.  The whole ideology revolving love is that it must tend towards willing and achieving good (my goodness, I'm actually quoting my lecturer) . Alas this still is easier said than done, for most believe that true happiness can only be achieved from the perspective of self before it dissipates  to others.

So this is my predicament, i lament yet i have done nothing as of yet to achieve this ideal world i one day hope to see. This world i pray to raise my children in , one that will be devoid of selfish wants and unnecessary hording (This goes out to all those who want money for money's sake, shame on you). I dream of it, absent ways of achieving it but i hope to find a way. Nay , i need to find a way for i have stood long on the sidelines spectating as it all turns to rot. No more i say, no more.

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