There are times we just close our eyes impervious to the world around us , wrapped up in a cocoon of our own making. Where things supersede the complicated day to day living if only to get away from it all even for just a little while. It's not easy wading through life without escaping from it every once or twice, in everything we do we always need to stop and breath lest we burn ourselves out. This applies to all spheres of life and the irony is some of us don't apply the philosophy. We push well past the breaking point with the illusion that it gets better ahead, to these I say " the moment that we live in holds more weight than the future we so hope for ."
Man is a fragile being and as such should be treated as one. Don't always be in a hurry to get ahead take a minute or two to smell the roses, feel the sun on your face , the wind through your hair ( this one might not apply to all of us lol). Learn to appreciate the little things lest the moments pass you by and all you're left with is bitter regret and unfulfilled dreams. Ask yourself a simple question , if I was to die today could I say I truly lived ? Of course there are ambitions you will fall short of but did u do the things that really mattered ?
Do the things that bring you bliss ,act stupid , be a little crazy if you need to be. The way I see it , we live once but regret forever so why not take a chance on life.
Am just sayinG™