Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Whatever happened to go movies ? The kind of movies that would leave with tears cascading down your face (Lion King comes to mind) movies that depicted true human nature and things that could actually happen to a normal human being (The Champ, if you haven't watched it then I don’t know how your childhood was). These is less than a tip of the iceberg and I'm sure movies are already popping into your heads, you could always comment them give some of us something to watch. I miss those kind of movies and can’t wait for the day when we'll finally go back to such a prime age of quality movies.

Why have I decided to talk about movies ? I don’t know, just realized it's been a while since I watched a genuinely good drama. I want to feel like the movie I'm watching has more drama than my life(note: this is to exclude all Naija movies honestly can't beat their drama even if I tried), I mean what would be the point of placing my tush on a couch to spend a considerable number of hours for something less exciting than my life??

That said I can't help but marvel at how far technological advances have taken the sci-fi movies , after watching "Dark Knight Rises" and "The Avengers" you 'll agree with me.  Actually gave these movies a standing ovation , they left me hanging on the edge of my seat anticipation every piece of juicy action like my next breath depended on it , the seamless integration of beautiful acting and well thought out animation has become something to truly behold. Actually left the cinema hall with a big grin on my face all too eager to defend the movies show anyone come up with a snarl comment (not that anyone actually did). 

Right I remember why I started this post, the Kenyan movie that was nominated for an Oscar(shamefully I still haven't watched it, hope it's still playing ). So based on the reviews that have reached me it seems exactly the movie that meets my drama criteria, a true depiction of life in a related script I would assume based on a true life story given how the story plays out. How rude of me , still haven't given the name of the movie, "Nairobi Half Life" .

This kind of acting (again based on others review, I'll give feedback soon as I watch it) is where we expect Kenya and other African countries to head, we're tired of sub-standard acting with lines that clearly look like they were scripted. Innovation is a tool best used free of restraint, this is the only way I see the film industry in Kenya to be particular ever making step forward.

I'm just sayinG

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